Frequently Asked Questions
Astra Communications Customer Service can assist over the phone at 800.422.7133
Visit: and follow instructions for redemption. A photo of the receipt and UPC labels will be required for proof of purchase.
UHF radios are the best choice for urban environments where steel and concrete obstructions exist. VHF radios are best suited for non-urban environments with open space.
Analog is real-time voice (no delay); Digital, while crystal clear voice sound, can have a very slight delay in transmission.
All business and commercial radios require an FCC license except the DLR & DTR Series, TLK 100 and 1 RM radio model: RMM2050 - which operates on MURS frequencies.
Analog UHF will talk with any Analog UHF radio (programming to match may be required). Similarly, Analog VHF will talk with all Analog VHF. Same rules apply to digital radios except for proprietary digital DLR and DTR Series – they will only integrate with each other. Analog channels will not talk with digital channels. Some radios can be programmed to talk in both digital and analog (example: CP200D can talk with EVXS24 on digital channels and also be programmed on separate channels to talk with an analog radio such as an RM or RD Series). Additional questions or clarification? Contact Astra.
Motorola Business Two-Way Radios and accessories feature a two-year warranty (VX-260, EVX-261 & EVX-S24 have a 3-year limited warranty; BPR40 has a 1-year limited warranty). Anytime during the first year after you purchase Motorola Business Two-Way Radios and any Motorola Branded accessories, you can exchange them for new units if anything were to stop working. As with all warranties – certain limits and exclusions do apply. For additional information please see full warranty.
These claims are based on testing in optimal line-of-sight conditions such as a mountain to valley application. On a job site, obstructions of any kind, weather and even the curvature of the earth can negatively impact optimal stated range. Motorola Business Radios can cover up to 350,000 sq. ft. and 30 floors on a job site and can even be enhanced with the use of a repeater.
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